Statistics Canada (StatCan)
Statistics Canada, in collaboration with partners from Employment and Social Development Canada, will continue to develop and release products to better understand the accessibility experiences of Canadians. The Accessibility Data Hub provides a centralized location of topics related to accessibility and disability through data tables, articles, infographics and interactive data visualization tools.
Subjects and tags
This section is for development only and will not be visible on the live site.
- accessibilityInTheGovernmentOfCanada
- communityDirectory
Important information
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StatCan Accessibility Secretariat
The Accessibility Secretariat is a StatCan internal central support hub for divisions across StatCan to build their understanding and capacity for accessibility. They support a dynamic relationship with employees, respondents, and data users with disabilities. They also lead the development of plans and reports that meet the requirements of the _Accessible Canada Act_ and the objectives defined by the agency based on those set out in the act and those refined by the Office of Public Services’ Accessibility Strategy.Centre of Expertise on Accessibility (CEA)
The Centre of Expertise on Accessibility offers expertise on accessibility internally to StatCan to ensure that all Canadians have equal access regardless of their abilities, official languages and adaptive technologies. The team assesses compliance with international World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) accessibility guidelines, provides advice, feedback and proposed solutions to common Government of Canada web accessibility issues, tests how a product is viewed and functions with screen-reader software and other adaptive technologies such as JAWS, NVDA and Braille display, produces alternate formats on request (multiple formats — Braille/audio), and promotes awareness and alignment of current best practices and technologies of users’ web experience with different types of disabilities.- Date modified: