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Designing for users with low vision

What to do - and what not to do - when designing for users with low vision.

Subjects and tags

This section is for development only and will not be visible on the live site.

There is no "subject"


  • designingAccessible

Important information

  • You are currently exploring a website that has not been officially launched yet. If you wish to provide feedback, please don't hesitate to checkout our contact us page.

    To view the current version of this website, please visit

Printable posters (PDF format):


  • Use good colour contrast and a readable font size
  • Publish all information on web pages
  • Use a combination of colour, shapes and text
  • Follow a linear, logical layout
  • Put buttons and notifications in context


  • Use low colour contrasts and small font sizes
  • Bury information in downloads
  • Only use colour to convey meaning
  • Spread content all over a page
  • Separate actions from their context
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